Castleberry High School Athletics

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All media members MUST have a credential issued by Castleberry ISD Athletics to enter the stadium and be on the sidelines and/or in the press box- NO EXCEPTIONS. Credential requests MUST be submitted to the Castleberry ISD Athletic Director via email ( no later than 12:00 PM noon the day before the game. You will be notified via email if your request has been approved.

All media members must enter through the main gates at the front of W.O. Barnes Stadium with the issued credentials. Bags are subject to search upon entry.

Important information:

·        Any person on the sideline must have an approved credential from Castleberry ISD Athletics and wearing the official credential for the duration of the contest.

·        Castleberry ISD reserves the right to remove the holder of any credential from the premises at any time.

·        All media must stay out of restricted areas (players box, locker room, etc.)

·        All approved media members must pay attention to the field of play at all times and refrain from the use of a phone, headphones, etc.

·        Any lost or revoked passes will not be reissued